A Hallmark Story...
"In 2021 Jose said to Mariana: "You don't know yet, but you're going to be my girlfriend. Maybe not now, but I will wait"... Jose said with all his faith. For him, nothing is impossible and determination is fundamental. For Mariana, without lightness and joy, nothing can be done! It was from this complement that a strong bond was born. This is how it started and it's just the beginning of the greatest adventure of all: the wedding! Now, they intend to celebrate their love before God, family and friends and officially create their own family, in a magical place. The Ermida da Nossa Sra. do Carmo has been visited by some family members for generations, based on the belief of Nossa Sra. do Carmo as the protector of the family, like the bride's grandmother always said. It was in this unique place, known since 1754 for the miracles performed, with walls filled with gratitude paintings (ex-vows), placed over three centuries, that Jose proposed to Mariana."
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Where to stay?
The event venue is located 23 Km away from Évora city. Please book your stay in advance. Here we present our hotel suggestions. If you need a Taxi in Évora the phone number is 00351 266 734 734.